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R. Cullen Fink
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A Trace Of Lipstick
Jan had plenty of evidence in front of her. A brand of lipstick on Ted's collar that nobody with any taste would wear was enough for her. Jan didn't know who the tramp was, but it didn't matter. She smiled as she burned the fourth Peter England white shirt. “Thank God, we have plenty of gin,” she mumbled to herself. She sipped the martini slowly and enjoyed every minute of it.

Holy Gas
It was a say the least. The bishop was on his way to Father Grumkey's parish. And he wanted to make a good impression. This will be the last time he eats lunch at the Mexican restaurant around the corner. “This isn't my fault,” the priest thought. “No. The chef is a minion of the Devil!

Psycho Kitty
They didn't have my favorite flavor!

No Fly Zone
They've grounded me. I can't even duck walk anymore!

Beauty Isn't Fair
Bunny: Don't start Honey, crying won't help.
Honey: What can I do? I look at that painting and I go to pieces.
Bunny: I have a cure. Take it down from the wall, put it in the fireplace and light it up.
Honey: Bunny darling, that makes me smile already.
Honey: What can I do? I look at that painting and I go to pieces.
Bunny: I have a cure. Take it down from the wall, put it in the fireplace and light it up.
Honey: Bunny darling, that makes me smile already.

Black Means Business
Love this outfit. It's so New Yorker.

Does he think this is a good look?

Wedding Disaster
The Groom: I hope my Best Man brought plenty of booze!

Ooh, how I love this game.

They're Already Here!
I hate being right.

Need A Bigger Boat
Yeah, something like a cruise ship.

It's My Ball
It smells just like me!
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