R. Cullen Fink
Father and Son
Guys grow up and get old. And somewhere along the way, we find ourselves doing stuff that our Dads did. They are the very things that drove us crazy when we were young.
Pitfalls of Helping Friends Move
There is an old expression. A friend will help you move, your best friend will help you move a body. This isn’t a story of moving a corpse. That would have been much easier.
Super Smarts...Men?
I came across an interesting article in National Journal summarizing an online survey done by YouGov.com. The subject was intelligence and the results were absurd.
New Jersey Customer Service
In our century, customer service is the work of efficient, uncaring machines that are taking over the world with your personal info. So you’d better be nice to them.
Aliens In My Backyard
Expect the unexpected. You’ve heard that before. Maybe you’ve said that before. It has a nice ring to it. And it makes no sense at all.
Getting Into Shape
Believe it or not, the majority of men and women who start the year determined to “get healthy, “get fit” or “lose weight” give up mid January and eat a large pizza.
Clean Desk/Deranged Mind
I believed, until very recently, that a clean desk was a sign of a deranged mind. That wasn't me. My desk was a mess. Proving that I was only slightly neurotic.