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R. Cullen Fink
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Stylish Dude
I used to be goofy looking. But not anymore. At least that's what I tell myself!

Young Ben
I have a story to tell. Picked up small parts in film early in my twenties, starred in my first film a few years later and sold a screenplay to Castle Rock at 22. My buddy Matt and I wrote the screenplay Good Will Hunting and received the Academy Award For Best Original Screenplay in 1997. I'd like to tell you more but I can't. After all, I'm the Young Ben.

Red View
This is odd. It's either a lunar eclipse, an Egyptian miracle or a Martian invasion. Hard to say.

Good Ol´ Boy
I'm always smiling when I'm a sipping a cold beer, watching NASCAR, football or pro wrestling. And I don't mind hunting or fishing with my buddies. I think that's all. Wait a minute! I didn't say country music. Shame on me!

My dad was very nearsighted. But he wouldn't admit it. Terrifying if you were in the car with him. Well, that taught me a lesson. I don't go anywhere without my glasses. And I've been looking for them all morning. What? I'm wearing them? I guess I should have made that eye doctor's appointment three years ago.

Thinkin' It Over
Well, the pickup you're trying sell me isn't painted red. It's rusty as hell.

Sweet Red Smile
You know what? I always keep grinning when I make someone happy.

Dońt Fade In The Shade
Impossible. I wade in this water all summer long.

Bad & Bald Statham
You missed the third “B”...brutal!

Yeah, I'm a poet, a songwriter and sort of a singer.

Long Face
No one knows if I'm freaking out or just plain shocked.

Nobody has a face like mine...but I wish I didn't!
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